Sunday 5 June 2011

African clawed frog

small fact: The average adult African clawed frog grows to about 12 cm in length, and weighs around 200g.

scientific name:Xenopus Laevis
length:2.5cm - 12cm (1in - 5in)
weight:25g - 220g (1oz - 8oz)
life span:8 - 15 years
natural habitat:Warm stagnant water with grassland

other facts:The African clawed frog is often a greenish, grey colour although other colours of the African clawed frog are not uncommon (such as albino). The African clawed frog is known to have a long lifespan for small aquatic animals, and can live up to around 5 to 15 years in the wild. Some adult African clawed frogs have been recorded to live to nearly 30 years old in captivity!

Saturday 16 April 2011

Rummynose Tetra

origin:South America
community (how it gets along with other fish):very good
adult size 2.2in female and male
diet:all foods
difficulty 1hardest 10easiest:9
pH range:6.8-7.5

Info:these fish like plenty of fine leaf plants. also it would best in groupes of 10 of more.they are fast swimmers.

Cardinal Tetra

origin:south America
community (how it gets along with other fish):excellent
adult size:1.75(male,female)
diet:all foods
difficulty 1hardest 10easiest:7
pH range:6.7-7.4

Info:it is best to keep these fish in a group of 10 of more.
make sure that there is tall plants and fine plants in the aquarium so they may hide if they feel thretend.

Neon Tetra

origin:south America
temperature needed:72-79°F
community (how it gets along with other fish):excellent
adult size:female 1.5in male:1.5in
diet:eats all food
difficulty 1hardest 10easiest:8
pH range:6.8-7.5

Info:best kept in a grope of 10 or more. you should give them a wide variety of dried,frozen and live foods. but make sure you break it up so that they can eat it.